Modern Jive Ceroc I Amanda Nullmeyers I Photographer Craig Schubert

Modern Jive

Modern Jive, often recognized as Ceroc, is more than just a dance style – it’s a vibrant and inclusive movement that thrives on connecting people through rhythm and movement. With a focus on making dance accessible and enjoyable for adults, Modern Jive stands out for its versatility in adapting to an extensive range of musical genres. This adaptability is a key driver behind its steadily increasing popularity, as it resonates with people seeking energetic and uplifting experiences on the dance floor.

Modern Jive – It’s Influence on West Coast Swing

One intriguing facet of Modern Jive is its impact on the evolution of West Coast Swing. This influence has ushered in a new era for West Coast Swing, introducing elements such as daring lunges, mesmerizing tricks, and graceful dips that had been relatively scarce in the past. What truly sets Modern Jive apart is its occasional omission of triple steps, a stylistic choice that infuses the dance with greater fluidity, allowing for show-stopping moves that delight both performers and spectators alike. To grasp the nuances of these style distinctions and experience the dynamic synergy between these dance forms, I encourage you to explore my YouTube Channel, where you’ll find video demonstrations that vividly illustrate the evolution of these styles.

Team Routines – The Collective Expression

Team routines in Modern Jive exemplify the power of collaboration and dedication. Typically involving groups of 10 to 15 couples, these teams embark on a creative journey spanning approximately 6 to 8 weeks. This journey culminates in the creation of meticulously choreographed 2-to-3-minute performance pieces that are not only artistically captivating but also technically impressive. These engaging routines serve multiple purposes, finding a home in both performances and competitive arenas, often enriched by unique thematic elements that add an extra layer of excitement. For an extensive array of examples from past performances and routines I’ve had the privilege of choreographing, I encourage you to subscribe to my YouTube Channel, where you’ll witness the artistry and dedication of our dance community.

Showcase Routines – Elevating Dance to New Heights

What truly sets Modern Jive apart is its capacity to transform even non-dancers into artists of seamless dips, graceful leans, and breath taking lifts. These captivating elements are embedded in every routine, embracing dancers of all levels with the opportunity to embrace and execute these spectacular moves. While flashy and showy moves are indeed a hallmark, the defining feature of a showcase is the spotlight it shines on a single dance couple. In this intimate setting, the chemistry, precision, and charisma of that couple take centre stage, creating a dance experience that is as awe-inspiring as it is emotionally resonant.